Call For Papers

We take this opportunity to invite you to the International Conference on "Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and Embedded Systems (ICRTACES'2024) organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering (Autonomous), Trichy on September 19th & 20th, 2024. This conference helps to create a collaborative platform for bringing together technical experts across Industry and Academia to promote Innovation around enabling technologies.

Guidelines for Paper Submission

Contributors are requested to follow the guidelines given below:

  • The title page should include an informative title, name(s), address(es), email id(s), contact no(s) of all authors and affiliations in Times New Roman 14 (only author’s name should be bold).
  • Abstract should be of 100-300 Words written in italics followed by a list of keywords which are to be written in alphabetical order from the second page onwards.
  • The full paper should includes introduction, survey of literature, proposed work, result section and references.
  • Use past tense while referring to your results and put everything in a logical order.
  • Typescript should be MS Word compatible. The script should be typed on one side with single column, single line spacing 12 font, Times New Roman and 1” margin on all sides of the page.
  • All charts, graphs, pictures should be drawn and labeled legibly as “figure 1”, “figure 2”, etc. Refer them appropriately in the text of respective section.
  • Captions of the charts, graphs, pictures should be complete enough to allow appreciation of the illustration without referring to the text.
  • The conclusion should end the paper.
  • Literature cited should be in chronological order, by first author name, title of the paper, journal name, volume, year and page number.